David Ayers (August 10, 1793-October 25, 1881)
Historical Marker
4115 Avenue K, Galveston, TX (Directions)
One of over 200 historical markers on the island, this marker is located at the burial site of David Ayers. The marker was erected in 1990 by the Texas Historical Commission.

“A veteran of the War of 1812, David Ayers brought his family to Texas in 1833. On behalf of the American Bible Society, they distributed bibles to new settlers. Settling first in San Patricio, Ayers moved to Washington County, where he became a friend to many leaders of the Texas Revolution. When William B. Travis went to the Alamo, he left his son, Charles, in Ayers’ care. During the Runaway Scrape Ayers led many families to safety. In 1847 he moved his family to Galveston, where he became a successful business, civic, and religious leader.”