Lafitte's Cove Nature Preserve
Birding & Hiking: Texas Coastal Birding Trail - UTC 068
3503 Eckert Drive, Galveston, TX (Directions)
Take Stewart Road, checking ponds on both sides for waders and waterfowl. Blue-winged Teal, American Wigeon, and Northern Shoveler are common in winter. Turn on Eckert Drive into Lafitte’s Cove and park in the Nature Center parking lot. Check the ponds on the other side of the road for Roseate Spoonbill, Black-bellied Whistling Duck, Wilson’s Snipe, and shorebirds. In winter, Bufflehead and Redhead may be seen. Cross back to boardwalk, quietly checking for Sora and the occasional Glossy Ibis in the pond on the right.
In winter, Green-winged and Blue-winged Teal are common. Just past the boardwalk, the pond on the left is also good for waterfowl. Follow the trail to the right to check for Black-crowned Night-Heron and Green-winged Teal. During spring, the woods on the left are excellent for colorful migrants such as Baltimore Oriole, Indigo Bunting, Northern Parula, Hooded Warbler, tanagers, and up to 6 species of vireos. There are multiple water drips and a maze of trails, so plan to spend some time here.

Entrance to the Preserve on Eckert Drive

Path leading to gazebo and woods