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Birding 7 1/2 Mile Road2019-12-28T08:10:45-06:00
7 1/2 Mile Road Pond

7 1/2 Mile Road

Birding Location

7 1/2 Mile Road, Galveston, TX (Directions)

When birding the West End by car, this is a great place to stop. Park on the west side of the road and check the bushes between the ponds carefully for Black-crowned Night-Heron. In spring, these bushes also attract warblers and other migrants. Black-bellied Whistling Duck, Common Gallinule, Roseate Spoonbill, White and White-faced Ibis, and other waders are common year-round. In winter, look for waterfowl including Ring-necked Duck, American Wigeon, Blue-winged Teal, Lesser Scaup, and Pied-billed Grebe. Watch overhead for raptors such as White-tailed Kit, Crested Caracara, and Osprey.

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