Take Seawall Boulevard east and turn on Apffel Park Road. Scan the large ponds on both sides for Pied-billed Grebe, Neotropic Cormorant, Great Blue and Little Blue Heron, Roseate Spoonbill, and other waders. Red-tailed Hawk, Crested Caracara, and Osprey are common in the trees and scrub along the road; during winter, American Kestrel, Merlin, and Cooper’s and Sharp-shinned Hawk are also possible.
The road continues to East Beach, where there is a free parking area before the gate for paid parking (fees vary seasonally and by time). On the way to/from East Beach, watch the lagoons on the north side of the road Roseate Spoonbill, Great Blue and Little Blue Heron, Tricolored Heron, Black-necked Stilt, Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs, Willet, and various other shorebirds and waders. In winter, Blue- and Green-winged Teal, Mottled Duck, Northern Shoveler, Gadwall, and other waterfowl are common. Check the power lines on the left for Loggerhead Shrike and Eurasian Collared-Dove.