Don't Miss the Lifeboat!
The Cruise Lady

Ask anyone who has ever cruised what the least favorite onboard activity is, and they will answer (practically to a person) THE DREADED LIFEBOAT DRILL!!! But remember, it is MANDATORY – yes they “take names” – no use trying to avoid it by hiding in your cabin (or in the case of one who shall remain nameless – in the shower) – the crew will hunt you down and find you. So, you may as well “bite the bullet” and put on that funny-looking (highly uncomfortable) orange vest and proceed to your lifeboat station at the sound of the General Alarm (7 short blasts on the ship’s horn followed by 1 long blast.) While you’re standing there for what seems like forever – crowded shoulder to shoulder with total strangers – and your new $50 hairdo is blowing in the wind just keep repeating “this is for my own good – this is for my own good.” But, remember, today’s cruise ships, unlike the Titanic, DO have sufficient life vests AND life boats to accommodate ALL passengers…….and no, the ship’s orchestra is not on deck playing “Nearer My God to Thee” during these drills.
The best part is – you only have to do this ONCE on each cruise. For seasoned cruisers, “once” is too many. LOL!
Explore the Ocean's Depths
Experience a Fishing Adventure!
Lorraine Highseas
Lorraine is a certified cruisaholic who’s sole purpose is to help you enjoy one of life’s greatest things to its fullest - sailing away on a cruise!