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The Cruise Lady: My Time – Your Time – It’s About Time!

My Time - Your Time - It's About Time!

The Cruise Lady

Last Updated: August 2, 2019 by Lorraine Highseas | Cruising

If you’re like Lorraine, the last thing you want to follow on a nice, relaxing cruise vacation is a TIME SCHEDULE! Oh, she understands that the time to be back on board is a MUST- but, DINNER?

Well, for all we “non-schedule” cruisers, the answer is finally here! Cruise lines are offering another alternative to “assigned table/assigned time” dining! Sure, there has always been the option of the buffet – but if you wanted to enjoy the main dining room, you were told when and where and often, with whom! Now, the choice can be yours!

Enchantment of the Seas Main Dining Room

Enchantment of the Seas Main Dining Room

Royal Caribbean calls it “MY TIME” – Carnival, “YOUR TIME” – but, to Lorraine, “IT’S ABOUT TIME” – as in “I’m hungry, it’s about time for dinner” – LOL

It’s a simple concept – a designated dining room operates much like a restaurant in that it’s open for seating each evening between say, 5:30 to 9:30. And, much like a restaurant, you simply show up with your party of however many, request a table size of your choice, and VOILA! You are seated, served, and free to go your merry way. Oh, sure, there are times you may wait a bit for a table (just like in any popular restaurant) – but you can do an end-run around that by simply making a reservation either the day of, or if you prefer the same time each evening, make it a “standing” one.

If you want to catch an early show and dine after, or in need of a nap after a day of snorkeling, or enjoyed a late lunch at a port restaurant, or perhaps skipped lunch altogether – you choose to dine when and if you please – not when you are “scheduled.”

This idea works well for all concerned – it frees-up tables for “traditional” diners who prefer early or main seating, plus, no hard-working “service team” is left waiting for “no shows” in their assigned stations.

So, the next time you book – choose to dine when YOU think it’s time. After all, it is YOUR vacation!


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Lorraine Highseas

Lorraine is a certified cruisaholic who’s sole purpose is to help you enjoy one of life’s greatest things to its fullest - sailing away on a cruise!

Lorraine Highseas

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